Social and Development Research & Action Group

Empowering Underprivileged Communities Through Education: A Student’s Perspective

Blog by - Amruta Pattnayak, M.Sc. Anthropology student, Amity University NOIDA, Intern at SADRAG.

As a student pursuing a Master’s degree in Anthropology at Amity University in NOIDA, I’ve been deeply immersed in the study of societal structures and the challenges faced by marginalized communities. Through my academic journey, I’ve come to realize the critical importance of addressing educational disparities, particularly in underprivileged communities.

In today’s society, it’s paramount to confront the educational hurdles that hinder the progress of underprivileged populations. These challenges, ranging from limited access to quality education to socio-economic barriers, create formidable obstacles for individuals striving to break free from the cycle of poverty. As an intern with SADRAG, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the transformative impact of targeted initiatives aimed at fostering educational equity.

Through initiatives such as scholarships, mentorship programs, and after-school support, we’ve witnessed how access to quality education can serve as a powerful tool for empowerment. By investing in infrastructure and providing support services, we’ve seen communities flourish as individuals gain the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive.


As I navigate through my internship with SADRAG, I’m continually inspired by the resilience and determination of individuals within underprivileged communities. Their unwavering commitment to education despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of education.

During my internship, I actively contributed to various aspects of the program, particularly with the Sarthak for Children Computer Centre. Sarthak is our initiative dedicated to providing equal learning opportunities for all children, regardless of their background or circumstances. This center serves as a secure space within the community where children collectively acquire and refine the skills necessary for success in the 21st century.


At the Sarthak Computer Centre, I conducted a comprehensive study on educational challenges in Nagla Charan Das, Noida. Through this study, I identified barriers such as inadequate infrastructure, socio-economic factors, and cultural norms. I then implemented interventions aimed at improving educational outcomes and empowered the community through capacity-building initiatives. This involved conducting surveys and interviews for needs assessment, organizing community awareness programs, and providing student support to overcome barriers.

Throughout my experience, I encountered challenges, particularly in addressing deeply ingrained cultural norms. However, these challenges only strengthened my resolve to continue advocating for educational equity and empowering underprivileged communities.


In conclusion, my internship experience with SADRAG has reinforced my belief in the potential of education to break down barriers and uplift communities. Through collaborative efforts and targeted interventions, we can create a more equitable society where every individual has the opportunity to realize their full potential. Together, let’s continue to champion the cause of education in underprivileged communities and pave the way for a brighter future for all.