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Creating social impact since 2004
Registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860
Registered for 80G and 12A
Registered for FCRA
Registered with NITI Ayog
Registered with MCA, Govt of India for CSR

Our History
A holistic community development approach

Focus on Women
The Network of Professional Women in Delhi (NOPWID) was conceptualized as an umbrella forum to highlight the life of women in different professions, conduct research and bridge the gap between the actual life practitioners and policy makers. NOPWID organized discussions on Women in The Indian Armed Forces and Women in the BPO sector. The subject specialists drew attention to issues that confront women and young girls in each of these professions. Open House discussions followed where the related issues were discussed and thrashed in the light of expected policy changes.
Focus on Children
Inspite of the Central Government initiative, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) in district Gautum Budh Nagar, U.P., a survey showed hordes of children were out of school. SSA demands that no child between 6-14 years should remain out of school. Thus SADRAG took up the cause of Child Rights in 2007 and found that all the out of school children belonged to migrant communities whose parents had migrated in from other parts of India in search of livelihood and employment. Caught in the vicious circle of poverty and deprivation, the education of their children was the worst hit. Thus the program, Ugta Suraj, for out of school children from migrant communities was conceptualized. What started as a program with two children in a rented basement in one of the residential colonies is today a program for 200 out of school children operating out of their own community space.

Recognition & Appreciation

Our Partners
Our achievements have been possible through the continued trust and support from our donors & partners, globally.